READ ALL ABOUT IT!!! Mary and Breta, Winds of War, and Sudan; Grandma Lillie, Homeless Teens, and the Educational System; Hot Chocolate, Love American Style, and Guns, Gay Rights, and Capital Punishment; Sponge worthy, Three Cups of Tea, and Greg Mortenson; She-Tigers, The Go-Getter, and Lori Foreman; Medical Research, Trapper John MD, and Glimpses into Greatness; Your First Job, Secondhand Lions, and Living with a Purpose; People of the Prairie, the China Symposium, and Li-Li; A Road to Intimacy, Eat-Pray-Love, and the Authentic Self; First Impressions, 50 First Dates, and the Colors of Our Networks; Operation Thunderstorm, Contact, and Seekers of the Truth; Heartbreak, Chasing Mavericks, and the Refining Fires of Transformation; Jesus visits, God’s Not Dead, and A Living Miracle; Divine Swag, Blended, and Mr. Jones and Me; Bear and Bee, The Other Woman, and Divine Swag; Choices That Change Your Life, Frozen, and the Last Mile Home! READ ALL ABOUT IT!!!


Broken Open, Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and Living your Blessed Life!
Sounds of something-something

Written by: Theresa Jensen

"Every person naturally wants to become all that they are capable of becoming; this desire to realize innate possibilities is inherent in human nature," Wallace D. Wattles said in his practical manual The Science of Getting Rich (1910), "we cannot help wanting to be all that we can be." Absent the philosophy and theories, this author shares his take on how to develop into the best person you are meant to be in life. This book is meant for those men and women still struggling to obtain money and to define success so life becomes better for them, especially when left, broken open....

How you use your knowledge will determine your power and thus create your future. Every thought you generate is important AND the collection of your thoughts puts your intentions into words and builds your goals which draws in the Universe to create those goals. When your grandparents told you better keep your thoughts in order kid – they were onto something because they had gained knowledge through living which manifested into wisdom. When your parents told you to listen to your elders – they were onto something, too. So your thoughts create your personal power; keep them in check! Your thoughts come from within and are your divine connection to the outside Universe; how is your connection today? Within all people, there are Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit... learn them, and use them wisely!

Recently, I read something-something about the standard of success in life. The standard of success is absolutely the amount of joy you feel. Hmm... there is a route to knowledge that transcends human reason… go explore this route of reason and rationality while encountering the mysteries and embracing any uncertainties in your efforts to reach the frontier stage of revelation when joyfully Living your Blessed Life!

Attitude – How is your attitude today… troubled or peaceful? A big part of that answer comes from how one goes to bed at night. When your head hits the pillow after working a full day or a long evening shift or perhaps even longer on the night shift, how are you feeling? So important to make peace with your day because will directly affect your tomorrow. Some people lull to sleep reading a good book, others may surf the internet one last time, while couples may snuggle and pets nuzzle a bit closer too, then kids may squeeze in between all that love and fall to sleep… all fine ideas as long as one falls to sleep in a positive way. Did you fall to sleep in a positive way last night? Or instead, did you find yourself dreading the site of your pillow after battling a string of sleepless nights, left desperate to slumber, only then to find your tired self having to make it through the next day and yet another work shift? Sleep is a gift of peace, and one cannot experience true peace until they have been Broken Open. So if you are one of those people who may find themselves enduring a string of sleepless nights, take heart in knowing you are on the trail of being broken open and that is a good attitude adjustment trail to walk on because you will experience true peacefulness soon enough; relax, breathe, namaste….

In the all-time world-wide best-seller with more than 20 million copies sold, The Power of Positive Thinking (1978, 1952), Dr. Norman Vincent Peale writes in Chapter Two how a peaceful mind generates power. “The essence of the secret lies in a change of mental attitude. One must learn to live on a different thought basis, and even though thought change requires effort, it is much easier than to continue living as you are. The life of strain is difficult. The life of inner peace, being harmonious and without stress, is the easiest type of existence. The chief struggled then in gaining mental peace is the effort of revamping your thinking to the relaxed attitude of acceptance of God’s gift of peace.” So may I ask again, how did you sleep last night?

In his book, Dr. Peale shares how while eating a hotel breakfast with a couple of friends he asked that same question and he got two very different responses while learning a little something-something. One friend shared how he tossed and turned, a sleepless night and more exhausted at breakfast then when he went to sleep last night; are you feeling this way today? His friend went through a few excuses like may be the coffee kept him up… now we would say latte or monster drink; or may be stop listening to the news before bed… now we would say surfing the net. His tired friend concluded, “I turned in last night and sure got an ear full of trouble.”

Dr. Peale’s second friend had an attitude the polar opposite the man sitting next to him after having experienced the same prior day events and slept the night in the same hotel setting; do you have friends like this too? “As for me, I had a grand night. I got my news from the evening paper – evening newspaper – and from an early broadcast – television evening news – and had a chance to digest it before I went to sleep. Of course…I used my go-to-sleep plan, which never fails to work.”

Now Dr. Peale was curious; wouldn’t you be? Across from him sat two of his friends of similar nature and both were established in their fields. How could this be? What was the difference? What was his plan? The friend explained as follows: “When I was a boy, my father, a farmer, had the habit of gathering the family in the parlor at bedtime and he read to us out of the Bible. I can hear him yet. In fact, every time I hear those Bible verses I always seem to hear them in the tone of my father’s voice. After prayers, I would go up to my room and sleep like a top.... But when I left home I got away from the Bible reading and prayer habit…. I must admit that for years practically the only time I ever prayed was when I got into a jam. But some months ago my wife and I, having a number of difficult problems, decided we would try it again. We found it a very helpful practice, so now every night before going to bed she and I together read the Bible and have a little session of prayer. I don’t know what there is about it, but I have been sleeping better and things have improved all down the line. In fact, I find it so helpful that even out on the road, as I am now, I still read the Bible and pray. Last night I got into bed and read the 23rd Psalm. I read it out loud and it did me a lot of good….” He turned to their tired friend and said, “I didn’t go to bed with an ear full of trouble. I went to sleep with a mind full of peace.” (Peale, 1978, 1952) SNAP! A mind full of peace… will give you a good night sleep… with words from a Good Book and actions of conversation with those close to you and meditation prayer with the Divine. A go-to-sleep plan sure to work and this something-something shared by a writer in a book printed 20 million times plus! And re-shared in this column for your eyes to read today while trekking on the broken open trail of your life; do you need anything more my friend? Your thoughts run through your mind and showcase your essence while fine-tuning your attitude and adjusting your actions to whatever discovery or uncertainty may be found on your path in this old world and at the end of each day, the best part is… the CHOICE IS YOURS! An ear full of trouble or a mind full of peace; what do you choose to sleep on?

Attitude adds up to behaviors which churn habits into decisions which create character, a sheer reflection of a life and as the I becomes WE, and we learn... life isn’t all about you Boo! Sometimes one finds they like the romantic picture of a relationship versus the reality of being with the people in that relationship; ever found yourself in that picture? Whether orbiting around old or new friendships, with original and acquired family members, working that temporary assignment or real job, standing with the group as an active volunteer or volun-told recruit, or when enjoying the benefits of those romantic entanglements legal or otherwise, we may enter such relationships wrong through our neediness and those strong feelings of desire turn to duty soon enough; UGH! In any type of relationship, we may seek to satisfy our own wants in full taker-mode, to take what we can get from the relationship instead of giving; hmm… ever behaved like that? I am sorry to say I have. From desire to duty the relationship turns to disappointment then as romance meets reality resentments for unmet needs by another and such inactivity can turn the rebellion switch on in the relationship where cruel deprivation tactics chisel away; OUCH! One says short barbs at the others expense and in intimate relationship, the once active parties know just how to hurt, so they will speak those barbs at just the most effective times to cause hurt, and/or offer no emotional support as a work deal goes under or a personal dream fades with reality, and/or even those once most important words of gratitude heard for daily tasks done now are replaced with silence… you know, the kind of silence that hurts. In romantic relationships, the once desirable parties may move into taker-mode offering no intimacy verbal or otherwise... you know, the holding-on stage of changing hearts.

Yes Boo, the reality is all relationships take work so choose them wisely because relationships whether friend, family, work, romantic or otherwise are takers… takers of your time, too. A good rule of thumb is to stop and evaluate your real relationships from time-to-time, especially if you find yourself in another post-relationship lull. Be honest with yourself: Was I ready for this relationship? Was my neediness or theirs the issue this time? What did I really give? Did I or they give enough or too much? Did I appreciate what I had or take this relationship for granted? Am I genuinely strong enough to leave knowing the better version of my life is yet to come? Yes, you are... because the truth is relationships are in a constant state of change. Your favorite job now may not be your favorite career choice in a few years, like your best friend, or your home geography, or your intimate loves... because as this truth expands, one realizes life is about change and relationships make up the changes in how one lives a life.

Remember Boo, do not crumble and wear no cone of shame either for relationships are teaching tools from our infancy to our ancient years. Instead be alert to any trends you may see in your relationships – dead or thriving ones. Make the conscience choice to keep the giving relationships, the ones that are helping you grow while you are helping them grow too because all relationships come at a price and are expensive since time is non-refundable, so invest in only the best relationships; YOU are worth only the best! Takes great courage to start a new job, become the in-law of a family while an out-law of another, make a new best friend; however, don’t let fear and an unhealthy sense of shame stop your courageous steps to begin again because relationships are the fuel of hope when embraced by grace. Is it okay to grief over these changes? YOU BET! Go ahead, cry and throw a tantrum! Wallow a bit and preferably in the privacy of your own digs because missing people, old jobs, first homes, schools and even younger days is perfectly okay, that is the human factor of connection and you were meant to have those places and experiences which make the you... you. After your good cry, blow your cute nose and wipe your big tears, then tap into your divine connection and pray for those in your past who helped cause the changes, and for those people in your present who are enduring the reality changes, and for those people in your future who are the romancers of your changing hopes! Be wiser in seeking your next relationships for they wear the disguise of your life lessons fueled by others' refining powers over the coals of your esteem, talents, and vulnerabilities. Take real notice of whom or what is burning into your definition of who you are, who you want to become… and don’t let any flames of your former neediness or theirs rekindle and damage your personal I growth to a great WE future. In all your relationships, strive to be the one who has more to give, who positively inspires the group, and who authentically impacts society. From the oil roads to the city office, from the country roads to the field office, from the church pews to the mall bench, from the gym to your home where from your favorite view… wave and chat with your neighbors and click a laptop button to greet an international friend who has become family along the way too, and as your world turns guaranteeing another relationship lull to hit, be armed with the maturity lesson to be grateful because being broken open allows one to fill up with something-something better, sharpening how one approaches their relationships which really matters, and using their individual design of charisma – Gifts and Grace – to become a better version of her or him Self and giving joy to others when living a more blessed life; use those nine gifts right, Boo!

There is no denying when a person is walking their meant path towards their life purpose, there is a beauty about them, a spring in their steps… basically, their humanness glows. With age we improve the way we relate to the world, and gain that confident integrity after experiencing a few emergencies and adversities when learning to overcome obstacles and maneuver personal challenges while surviving the raw legitimacy of our living process in which we all graduate from the life school of hard knocks really. Yes, there are obvious checkpoints to physical maturity which one can notice by the reflection in a mirror but how does one track their emotional-spiritual maturity that we all desperately need to stay well-balanced in our diet of life – how we think, how we feel, what we do, and what we say; hmm… how does one do that? Although there are many universal steps, each one of us makes a courageous journey where we learn to trust our own judgment and own sense of direction when gaining strength through our learned knowledge so through our uniqueness we learn something-something of value to teach on the ever expanding humanity frontier. Since knowledge is part of our core strength, let us start with research….

I came across a book titled Hope Again, When Life Hurts And Dreams Fade (1996) written by Charles R. Swindoll who shared eight maturity checkpoints: UNITY – when we don’t focus on the petty peripheral differences but concentrate on the common ground, the mission… and this is not to be confused with union, uniformity or unanimity; MUTUAL INTEREST – when we weep and rejoice at the same time, genuinely caring for each other, and free of competition or jealousy… like having mutual good cries as women folk would say; and the importance of AFFECTIONATE FRIENDSHIP – sisterly comfort while holding us accountable when loving and respecting one another; KINDHEARTEDNESS toward hurting people and all humanity really, compassion for the many factors that create our diversity, and the ability to pause and take a timeout when exercising discernment; HUMILITY – an internal attitude check when one looks for opportunities to give freely of her gifts; FORGIVENESS – a willingness not to retaliate instead exercise restraint; A CONTROLLED TONGUE – makes life easier and happier; PURITY and PEACE – by modeling good behaviors and pursuing peaceable outcomes… so, where do you find yourself on this maturity checklist? Perhaps your answer will depend upon which type of relationship you are talking about such as friend, family or work. Or perhaps you are at a point in your life where you run pretty even keel in all your relationships. Still checklists are a good thing like a routine plan, a start that you can tweak as you need to, then after giving it a good try, remember there are always opportunities to hit the mark on your checklist so no worries… just smile and do your best and keep stepping forward! Important to remember whatever type of relationship, you want people and relationships that deposit something into your soul when you’re done talking to them or working a day… a beautiful deposit. So make sure you are leaving such deposits with others too. One can be firm but fair so mutual respect is still in the relationship; make sense?

A bit more research, I found author Joyce Meyer unlocking the secret to lasting joy in her book: Reduce Me to Love (2000). “I know people who have lived a life of crippling insecurity because their parents spoke words of judgment, criticism and failure to them on a regular basis. These people can be healed only by receiving God’s unconditional love. They have been wounded in their souls – their inner selves, their mind, will and emotions – a place to which only God has total access.” Parents have a tendency to think back upon their choices made as their children grow and wonder, if the deposits they made did more harm than good…?

Yes Boo, maturity brings wonderful things both big and small to relationships and to a life when love and kindness are at the center leaving God’s grace to take care of the rest, so enjoy these divine days, living life broken open with hands open and an heart open, too….

More to come....


Be a Verb; Let the Lightning Strike; and child...walk with me, do life with me - the FYP Resolution!

Sounds of Doing Life

By: Theresa Jensen

Truth, teaching, and transformation – yes, living a life is about seeking the truth, and how our words and actions become a teacher for others, while a very personal cycle of transformation within our body, heart, and soul serves as a reflection about who we are to the outside world. Living life is fluid really, about an accumulation of movements forward, so be a Verb! Take those seconds strung together into precious minutes, hours, than days, weeks, and months bound into a volume of gracious years called My Life count for something while doing good for others, and letting your spirit shine!

Living a life of significance, and being at ease with yourself and your world will produce authenticity, and that is powerful! So Let the Lightning Strike you. Go ahead! Strut your independence and quench your thirst for knowledge, then discover wisdom comes from genuine humility. Ah, bittersweet humility. Nothing can humble a parent faster than their children—the oldest, middle one, to the baby – and I believe I hear laughter from many of those who can relate.

My two cherubs always enjoyed the coming-of-age movie, The Prince and Me (2004), in which Eddie runs away to college and from who he was born to be, until finally the Queen Mother calls: “You were born into a family of privilege and you have certain obligations….” The son had had his fun, and family duty called through the voice of a mother. Parents have walked life’s roads and know where hazards are, and through love, they help their child build a roadmap past the dangers they have already met and conquered, so he or she will be ready and know what to do when encountering them and thus making life a bit easier for them. Time together is precious and no doubt each of us has obligations, too. Even contemporary headlines share how mother Angelina Jolie is training her son Maddox in the family business, and that is how life works, and yet another life secret is revealed. Parents and children walk together, and do life together in an encouraging cycle when finding their places in the world. There will always be some sort of difficulties and struggles and some unique; however, one can avoid common difficulties and struggles by learning from the history of those who have gone before them. If one chooses not to listen to the generations of family wisdom, the smart life consequences will serve as the teachers. Recently, I read somewhere that a successful family has many characteristics, but here is a very important one: The members look for benefits in trials. Hmm… interesting; does your family do this? Oh, a changed heart and life, and a transformed family are wonders to behold and that is the FYP Resolution!

This column is very transparent because truth is like that, one has to fail to live, and the post-graduations of my two cherubs awaken me at the cellular level, I have been broken…again… teaching me really, and living life has transformed me using the darkest of flames, and I am truly sorry if you can relate. As shared previous, no doubt, one gets shaped in life by the refining fires of transformation, better said, through pain – either how one resists pain or chooses to use pain. After consecutive pain-filled months of complicated, I could use honest so here goes readers, an in-my-face personal article… a truly rough reality…and the painful sweet rawness of my life.

Mercy me! It’s ok to run into the unknown and be a Spitfire if you believe in yourself… within reason. Now reason can have different meanings, different perspectives, and different risk factors depending on the stage in life you find yourself; how are your reasoning abilities today? Each of us has something raging within that makes us try, try, and try fueled by a passion on a journey designed only for us and that is why our paths may be similar yet authentically our own. To be your Self can take great strength and it takes great strength to deal with pain… and this passion, your passion fueled by a power, this same power which lives within all of us sends comforting reminders that any dark spots - pain - such as those crisscrossing journey strongholds can be broken, and a weakness can be turned into a strength, and so one can reason that life is always dark before the breaking dawn on everyone’s journey; so how is your journey looking today? This passing summer was like that for me, months of darkness stuck in the wallows of life before I could see the light. No fun those fires of transformation when the flames seem to char your heart and lick at your very soul. Oh, I have lived long enough to know the light was there and if I could just hang on another day I would see the break on the horizon because good always trumps evil. As an Ancient One, I have lived just enough to know at times one has to go search for that damn light because one cannot be passive with their life… even in the bleakness, you have to think, reason and remain active; VAMOS!

Be a Verb! Use your time, talents, and treasures for the good – yours or for someone else; you decide! I can truthfully say from my greatest failure yet, I became a verb to lick my wounds, to stretch outside my comfort zone and feel again, to forgive myself… and yes, even dare to love again; ever do that? You might be thinking, how? I built a porch. Not any old porch; however, a super duper deluxe three-season model which became a 22’ x 12’ four season masterpiece! I can truthfully say from my latest verb form yet, that it is fun to be a verb! Taking a great idea that started with an innocent exchange of talk which rolled into conversations then paper napkin sketches and figures became more serious drawings and numbers on notebook paper before turning into a possible reality once on architecture squares – aka someone’s dream! Now that is pretty cool….

Of course, this building project was across my State and a good 7 hour drive one-way which required four extended weekends and then some to complete but… healing is never easy or meant to be convenient. Fueled by grace... healing takes time, teaches patience, reveals miracles, and is definitely a process; UGH!

What was to be a time of celebration for our family became a celebration for another family... their happiness was personal and meant to be pointed, and our living as a family was painful. A calculated group of thieves band together to accomplish this attack against my family... against me. As I worked in Verb Mode, I had the time to mull over the steps taken to accomplish such a high-quality theft... and my missteps. As a parent, you lose the right to think about yourself as your responsibilities increase with each cry of your child. Parenting is about continual priority change, self improvement, and sacrifices because what gets you to the top of your parenting game doesn't keep you there. A parent slows to connect with a newborn who have the instincts to touch your heart before finding for your hand in a shared life when how much you care matters more than what you know about the whole warm and approachable challenge of human development. Yep, your needs become second when those infant eyes meet yours for the first time... a connection that spans lifetimes. However, a leader knows the wrong action at the right time or even the right action at the right time can produce outcomes which both bite you... parents are leaders in their families and learn that lesson soon enough for timing is a double-edge sword, like choosing to introduce a new love into a family.

As my hands work to seal the seams of cement between the blocks of a new foundation one layer at a time, I think… and think some more on how made decisions really do design a life and how blessed one really is to live a life by their design so they have a better shot at being happy… maybe? As an Ancient One, I know and believe that nothing happens without the permission of the One who sits on the throne and for His purpose, so in faith there is no room for fear or anxiety in my thoughts as I work this day, building layer upon layer of a dream. When the work day darkens and the coyotes can be heard howling this leaves me to rethink my decision to sleep in a tent for I am a flat, plains kind of girl and my uneasiness makes the mountain man chuckle; are you laughing? So was he… I learn the fresh air makes him snore, too.

As more time is redeemed, family entanglements prove to work well as the dream really starts to take shape with the help of an impressive inner circle of brothers and nephews who work together to align the flooring and frame, stud the walls, and skeleton the roof under the guidance of the equally impressive project manager who is their uncle, too! My next trip out, the protective lining and plank siding goes up real slick as the life, who is responsible for this decision works with gusto to design her dream which is honestly looking really sharp now as our collective practical efforts are bolding together with victory coming soon! A son stays to help install the beautiful brand new French doors and squeaky clean picture windows. Kind of cool to stand inside a mother’s dream and look out to see her son running back and forth getting tools, climbing ladders, and tweaking parts here and there to make the dream just right all the while, working under the gracious guidance of the dreamer’s brother. Have you done that lately, stand inside a dream and looked out…?

On this l-o-n-g weekend, the steady work provides the platform to find the courage to be honest and shine light upon my uncomfortable thoughts, miserable feelings, and critical actions which stem from my emotional need of self-worth – past, present and future! Understanding this single human need opens the door to understanding our individual actions and attitudes which create the forces behind our decisions and behaviors in the painful building architecture of our current life. Since the beginning of humanness, man and woman have been searching for their significance so one can only smile when understanding how normal their inner turmoil is just like every other person because some things do not ever change in this old world. Self -discovery is a process like self worth, and like the development of our work which concludes in the dark while the ever-present coyotes howl… nature is kind of cool, too. The project is near completion when I find myself working on the roof where the view from the top is breathtaking – always is – though the wind seems to howl during the day like the coyotes do at night in this beautiful mountain country. New love works to install the wiring and putting up the inside ceiling installation then lining before tackling the insulation and vapor barriers of the side walls. Our puppies seem to entertain the coyotes while the blessed and heavy sheetrock is installed; good grief! With the completion of the dream project, tools are packed up and work areas are cleaned up a final time before pictures are taken for historical purposes which mark the edges of this dream and our last seven hour drive home…. Yep, choosing to be a verb and living on purpose can create memories that have an unfading beauty about them which can nourish the inner self that cradles within a gentle and quiet spirit mulling over things. Even though there were tool mishaps and multiple emergency room visits, being a verb and building a dream is cool, especially for someone else who so deserves to receive goodness after giving for many years.

The family stories, tailgate foods, pets, smiles and hugs lace together the teaming-up fun of the verb efforts with the generations of family to spin A LOT of good with benefits beyond words and the proof is in the Selfies! The Ancient Ones are exhausted but smiling on our final trip home, while detouring through the beautiful sacred Hills and taking extra time to follow the unique Badland curves, and stopping at Wall Drug for ice water while learning a bit more State history at each of the rest stops before crossing the beautiful plains of this old world and finishing the anchor leg of our relay home. Psst… hey you there! Yeah you! Working on someone’s dream fulfills your own need too, so be a Verb and take one for the Action Team of life. Go accomplish a kindness and expect nothing in return. Ah... be simply and gloriously amazed when figuring out the driving element within your human spirit and designing your own life of significance; feels wonderful so Let The Lightning Strike!

Zap! I suspect, suspicions come when we like something very much and are afraid of losing this object of our affection, even a person. Our good intentions and energies switch to protective instinct as a once solid relationship becomes more jelly-like and as we try to keep our footing and wear our rubber-soled feelings for insulation, the many forces beyond our knowing stir a bad storm while we use our wits to survive strike after strike... Zap! Zap! What was to be a time of celebration and positive generational family transition instead was black skies, and in the eye of the storm where existence smelled like the burning sacrificial offerings of human flesh... souls were melting too; OUCH!

More to come...




Suck It Up Buttercup; Grace for Each Hour; Come On Home... Lets Do This Right!

Sounds of Forgiveness

By: Theresa Jensen

"CELEBRATE ME!" cried the victorious Adam Levine, one of the four beloved coaches on The Voice (March, 2016) after sparring with his peers to win over the confidence of a newly discovered Talent who had the spark to start the fire under those four turning chairs of another unfolding season. Ah, hope was born again and Adam wanted to wisely savor this triumphant moment, drawing as much possible energy from those surrounding him... "CELEBRATE ME!" The audience and his peers fanned the flames with their claps and cheers while Adam glowed with happiness. This is a good lesson indeed, Suck It Up Buttercup when everyone is cheering, stop to pause and CELEBRATE those positive-charged life moments and store this energy in your memory battery to draw upon later when life starts to upheave with negativity again...celebrate me every time you can!

More to come!


The Power of Positive Persistence and Perseverance, A Solo Exchange, and The Surly Mermaid!
Sounds of Achievement

By: Theresa Jensen

Besides feeling hungry and thirsty when you woke up this morning, were you positively or negatively charged about your day? Can't remember? Me neither, so I am going to shut my eyes and relive that moment. Ah... positive, definitely may be... for I woke with some weight to my thoughts. Yes, here comes the morning sun with a dimmer switch - a negative thought. I roll over reasoning I am a fair-minded woman and I will give credit where credit is deserved, and that God did something for my own daughter I was never able to do myself. Both daughters, really... so may be I better get re-acquainted with God. Pushing hunger and thirsty aside, I reach for a book on my nightstand to find an answer when I realize these typeset words make up a bestseller.

What makes a bestseller? Don't know? Me neither, so I trekked to investigate what lines the book sections of our local bookstore and our national supercenter chain, too - always important to have balance in your research methods. While scanning the glossy titles and flipping a few pages one quickly picks up on the message that developing the Self is crucial to sustaining a society. Well, no lightening bolt of knowledge there really... however, what are the vital signs to look for in people while co-habiting on this planet? Hmm... that could make for an interesting read. An interesting factoid is that God's book remains the all-time bestseller at the local, national and international market levels because positive thinking, and the power of positive persistence and perseverance are the vital links to solving the problems of the human race in the crucial chain of connection to the Divine power source within each one of us. The contemporary bestsellers lining the shelves offer a variety of techniques to develop the habit of thinking positively even about the most negative conditions because you set in motion creative forces that will counter any negative - good trumps ugly - and your individual determination will tap into your inner strength - your personal power source - resulting in achievements and a brighter outlook; society wins! Talent and genius are wonderful tools to develop in our personal toolbox of skills; however your positive persistence, perseverance in troubles, and sheer grit and determination will get you to your interim goals then reaching your dreams - like one of mine, A Solo Exchange, which leads to another than another than another and that's how God spins dreams... like The Surly Mermaid. I am still feeling hungry and thirsty, how about you?

Now some of you may be thinking, all that sounds positively wonderful but realistically, people have anxieties about their futures and people screw up A LOT while persevering and that is okay when on your surly way to being President!

More to come....


A Year of God's Grace, Bicentennial Man, and the Charismatic Movement - Good, Better, BEST!
Sounds of I AM OVER IT

By: Theresa Jensen

The consecutive 365 days making up the year 2016 were known as A Year of God’s Grace on display for my family… for me. On the outside, life isn’t always easy for many families. In fact, sometimes, life feels really very difficult on the inside of families, too. No secret our national economy bites making money tight at the family level where relationships are challenging and individual health issues seem to be never ending, then add as a pre-seniorpreneur the years seem to have accumulated and me still not living my purpose instead just living on the edge of my faith. During these divine days, Mr. Jones hung in there and one can only admire his tenacious mettle.

More to come....


Being the Light in Darkness; Conflicts amongst farming Cowboys; and an amazing Resurrection Song!
Sounds of My Grit and HIS Grace

Written by: Theresa Jensen

Our Universe is a beautiful creation and certainly created out of many forces and the most powerful force... love. God could see way down the road when He began the creation process. He had a plan for our good, so we can trust in Him. From the minute life cell that makes you, you... to the complex climates of our planets and interconnected solar systems... He certainly did a good job indeed! Our World houses all these forces while inhabited with many creatures yet to be held by it's appointed human caretakers - you and me. As in all beauty, there are challenging hot spots where conflicts and adversities may churn to grow discord or resolution within our communities, our homes, and unfortunately, even in our workplaces, too; how does your World turn? Being the light in darkness is a game-changer for many people....

Farmers and Cowboys who farm have a way of doing life that is just plain practical sexy because they stand on their faith... scrumptious really. If you are fortunate to have conflicts amongst farming Cowboys in your past story, then you are blessed indeed! Since January 8, 2016 at 11:30AM... I too have been standing on my faith and my faith alone with Mr. Jones making for an amazing Resurrection Song! This is a road of conflicts and adversities I would not have taken by choice; however, sometimes miracles work that way. There is that one verse in Proverbs that says, "lean not on your own understanding..." so true, isn't it? Like many, these days I to, take my steps in faith and live every day... through obedience and gratefulness the miracle comes. I AM glad God can see down the road and that I can trust in Him when living my life well-lived.

More to come....

The Remnant, The Holy Bible, and The Power in Proclaimation

The Remnant, The Holy Bible, and The Power behind Proclamation!
Sounds of Rebirth

By Theresa Jensen

More to come....




Ask For What You Need, Goin' Home for Christmas, and Get On With Your Purpose!
Sounds of Unforeseen Hopes in Darkness

Written by: Theresa Jensen

The Year of God's Favor, the Nasser Family, and Lil' Lilly!
Sounds of 777

Written by: Theresa Jensen


...the leading edge of thought.
What's the SCOOP?!

Rural Education, Freedom Writers, and the Profession of Teaching!
Sounds of Learning

By: Theresa Jensen

“The nature of a man is not what he is born as, but what he is born for,” Aristotle said centuries ago, realizing his potentialities in adaptation to whatever environments they find themselves in. Education helps human beings find him or herself, to adapt better, and to discover their potential...better still, education helps one feel they have potential! Shared knowledge is like that, and education in any form is a good thing; what have you learned lately? Better still, what knowledge have you shared lately?

Education contributes to the art of living. Education adds more momentum to a life. Education of our young people is the most important job and working in education is one of the greatest career choices! Teachers help students learn with potency and they expand worlds, while students expanded their worlds so much that we needed to begin working together in the classroom in marvelous adapted online collaboration. Yes, teachers have the greatest butterfly-effect profession! Why? People working in education get to see hope on display every day in the faces of our youth. Teachers get to see such hope on display up-close and personal. Hope is our youth... and America still remains the symbol of hope for the world.

I have found that among other benefits, education liberates the soul…. “Knowledge is not power – it’s potential power. Knowledge that you apply with heart, that’s real power,” stated motivational speaker Anthony Robbins. “All happiness comes from one word, progress. We grow or we die. There is no other choice, and life’s problems and our relationships give us the biggest challenges to grow. Because nowhere else does our deepest fear show up that we are not enough. To feel like we are worthless is to feel like we are dead psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually. I see this fear in action every day…. At my live seminars and workshops, I interact constantly with audience members – people who are suicidal, suffering from lifelong depression, facing a divorce or bankruptcy, people who have lost their children or spouses, or have been traumatized by rape or sexual abuse. In each case, I’m on the spot in the laboratory of life. As a practical psychologist, I’ve learned how to mobilize instantly and figure out what’s really going on, what’s stopping someone, what he or she needs, and how to create a shift.” Teachers nurture the growth of our young to a higher level of being and educators do this shifting for all of us; what have you done for a teacher lately?

I was reminded of something interesting the other day… the Gulf Stream flows in the ocean and yet it is not absorbed by it and this force of nature maintains its warm temperatures even in the icy waters of the North Atlantic. People can be like that and may be you know someone who is always warm when others are cold; if you do, you are blessed! The focus of this column is Education, that is like the Gulf Stream which flows through a country and if this warm stream, aka this force of nature, stays good then we will all be okay; is hope alive in your neighborhood schools and libraries?

Thousands of years of written Civilian History has shown how slaves knew what it was like to receive beatings and wounds they didn’t deserve. Regardless the country, the treatment towards those serving others seemed similar. Learning to read a genuine gift of personal freedom where one could escape into the mind while the body was held prisoner. In history, Indentured Servitude offered a ray of hope if one could survive the beatings and their wounds healed until reaching legal age of departure uniquely equal to the farm kids who were abused in more contemporary times. The indentured hope was their personal freedom to being your Self for the first time with a bit of earned wage and/or property. When aware of such human persecution our presence is warranted and takes courage in the face of danger going on all around, which can raise more than a few eyebrows. Teachers are disciples for the human condition, to bring potential solutions when faced with the ugliness of this world; I am… are you too?

Making a difference requires an individual to have unique perception abilities. “I have a friend who teaches at a public elementary school. By God’s description she pastors a class of precious children. Read the e-mail she sent her friends: I’m asking for your prayers for my students. I know everyone is busy, but if you ever can, I know there is power in specifically addressed prayers. Please pray for… Randy the smartest boy in my class – mom speaks no English – just moved from Washington and blind in his right eye because he poked his eye with a sharp tool when he was three. Henry is learning disabled – tries with all his little heart – it takes him about a minute to say two words. I think he’s used to me now, but it was hard for him to keep up at first! Richard has a smile that could almost get him out of any trouble – his mom can’t be much older than I am. He’s very smart and pretty naughty, just the way I like’em! Anna has a learning disability and neither parent can read, write, or drive. They have four children!!! Who knows how they keep it together. She colors me a picture every single day, writes her spelling sentences about me. I’m the main character in her stories. On and on the list goes, including nearly deaf Sara. Disorganized-but-thoughtful Terrell. Model-student Alicia. Bossy-but-creative Kaelyn,” wrote Max Lucado in Cure for the Common Life (2005). "Does this teacher work for a school system or for God? Does she spend her day in work or worship? Does she make money or a difference?”

More to come...

Fighting the Corporate Status-Quo, WWJD, and the Arab Spring Rages On!
Sounds of Justice

By: Theresa Jensen

"We have nothing to fear but Fear itself," shared the newly elected President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in his first Inaugural Speech, 1932, and the focus in his solemn message was a reminder of the shared greater good commonality amongst the people he was elected to lead for America had reached the depths of the Great Depression. In Romans 8:28, God said, "And we know all things work together for the good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." The goal is of transformation in both messages, where inner character and outer conduct reflect in the outcome… respectively societal and individual.

This column is about the consecutive events in my life on September 11th, 2012... a day when sometimes one has to close their eyes to open up their soul; how was this day for you?

6:00 A.M. -

More to come….
Three Thousand Coyotes, Horace’s Hope, and Leo Buscaglia, PhD!
Sounds of Humanness

By: Theresa Jensen

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around,” said the late Leo Buscaglia, PhD, aka Dr. Love.

I went for a mid-day walk with our two family dogs, Brooke and Sasha, on the bike trail. All morning, the rain had fallen and for the past two days as well so life is soggy and dreary. No sunshine yet. A man approached us from behind with a casual “Good Morning” greeting. “That is a beautiful German Shepherd. Is that a German Shepherd?” He pause his steady walk and seems mesmerized by Sasha. I confirm. “Yes. She is a German Shepherd with Husky mix. She belongs to my daughter.” He catches himself staring. I smile and add, “She is a real smart dog, really smart.”

“I had a 2-year-old German Shepherd named Chaz,” he states still caught up in Sasha, then looks at me. “We took a walk into Laos together in ’68.” His words make me thoughtfully pause this time as his rhythm resumes. My eyes follow his steps. I understand. No more needs to be said. He is tall, lean and carries a muscular frame under his dark blue and gray outwear, crew cut and a straight-backed soldier boy. Life is sweet as our walk comes together again.

“Will Summer ever come this year?” he asks. Winter has lingered longer than most would like in our area and the absence of the Spring sun has everyone out of sorts, anxious; may be you can relate? I am optimistic. “Sure Summer is coming, and it will feel great when it does arrive.” His smile is closed and one can tell his thoughts are of another time. “I imagine your walk into Laos was a lot like this day.” Dreary, damp, water seeping into your shoes kind-of day; ever have such a day?

“Yes.” A long audio pause follows as we all walk, he on the upper paved trail while Sasha, Brooke and I brave the well-saturated ditch grass with the occasional appearance of a snake or two so they can smell the fence. “I never thought I’d get old.” His laugh accentuates his heavy thoughts. I understand. “I know. My daughters remind me I’m half a century old this year, so kind of them really which started with your half a hundred this year mom.” My laugh seems to accentuate my heavy thoughts, too. I was hoping to converse more however various waterfowl catch the attention of my companions, so our direction changes. A bit later while driving and a mile down the road, I see the unidentified solider boy walking and offer a ride home.

“Hey thanks.” His right hand instantly is up in the air as he talks though a smile. “No, I’m just out walkin'.” A big wave, a steady gait, tall and lean, a soldier boy tried-and-true inside a graying man lost in his thoughts. There is a process to become a human being, an art to being fully human, which starts by returning home….

A week later brings a break in our rainy season. After a restless night of sleep, I wake to find my laptop screen had cracked a new design and by my own efforts no less when tossing our BIG cat off the bed one of the hundreth times while trying to sleep in the night; oh well. On this rare day home, I walk the dogs once again and return to mow the lawn; a lazy day with a rhythm all its own. The weed-whacker churns up fresh dog poop and a sudden strong smell is somewhere close to my face. Like a trooper, covered in green and brown, I finish the lawn before going inside to take a bath. While standing in front of the full-length mirror wearing my original birthday suit, I discover a tick on my right butt cheek and another settled in my vagina hair! Now, there is a limit to what a girl can take in a day – broken laptop, dog poop, and two ticks – I dry heave while pulling the wretched creatures off and trying not to cry. I text my oldest daughter and share my anguish. She responds, Hang in there Mom. LOL This day seems to be an LOL kind-of-day. Mary stops by home with a box full of old jeans, her “fat jeans. You can have them Mom.” Hmm… almost half a hundred, half a century old, and now, I’m wearing someone else’s “fat jeans.” I am feeling the need for that good cry now. Thanks to wireless technology, I check my email on the cell phone to learn a recruiter in Beverly Hills, California found my work on LinkedIn and asks, “What would it take you to move to California?” My phobia of earthquakes seems minimal after a broken laptop, dog poop, ticks, and a fat jeans day at home. The recruiter's question lingers in my thoughts...“What do you want Theresa?” A meal and a bath sound pretty good to me.

I share my day’s events with my work friend Dave, who offers to help pull the ticks off me; now that’s a good friend…LOL! The week is topped off by me receiving a quality ding at work. I place my head down on the lunchroom table; ever just need a group hug? In my life pond churning of personal humiliation and amazement, I surface and feel different. After a week of struggles, the realization in my heart sinks into my brain and a smile turns my lips for I am feeling happy; go figure! Hmm… what a statement: I am happy…!

A life well-lived and laced together with love will have little and big struggles on whatever road one may find themselves. Certainly, our paths will have those moments that can change us and the times, where our choices stay with us... but always life is guaranteed to be filled with an assortment of quality dings. Choosing not to get an education is a most notable ding indeed!

More to come....


2021 and beyond... Give Back, Follow your Purpose, Live a Blessed Life Boo!

Billy Graham

Billy Graham
Change Yourself. Change Your World. "Come and change the World with me." Billy Graham, Evangelist, Author (1918-2018)

"To be a revolutionary you have to be a human being. You have to care about people who have no power." Jane Fonda -- American Actress, Writer, Activist, She-Tiger!

“Beauty can't amuse you, but brainwork -- reading, writing, thinking -- can.” Helen Gurley Brown -- American Publisher, Editor and Writer (1922-2012).

"Mistakes are always forgivable, if one has the courage to admit them." Bruce Lee -- American-born martial artist and founder, philosopher and actor (1940-1973).

Monday, January 4, 2021


                                              YOU CAN DO THAT!

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